Why Love Your Neighbor?

Jesus gave us only two commandments. To love our neighbor is one of them and is intertwined with the other commandment. In order to love our God, who is the Creator of all things, we must also love our neighbors.


We all have neighbors, either next door or people who we do life with or people who even cross your mind. These are the people God has commanded us to love.


Loving our neighbor looks different for everyone, but we encourage you to take a moment and serve your neighbor in a way that will speak volumes to them.


Roughly 80% of people invited to a church service on Easter are likely to attend. That means that your neighbors are just waiting for an invitation!

Need Prayer? No matter what you're facing, we'd love to pray with you!

There are times when life is overwhelming, when all we have is questions. In those moments, hope can feel far away. The great thing about prayer is that it shifts our perspective toward the One who stands ready to listen.
