Love Your Neighbor

The best way to love your neighbor is to serve them. Who is someone in need of something you or your family can provide?

Pray For Opportunities

Pray that God will help you see opportunities to share the love of Jesus through serving others.


The best way to love your neighbor is to help them see how much Jesus loves them. Invite them to attend church with you this Easter!

Ways to Serve

Below we have included several easy ways to practically show your neighbor the love of Jesus. These are just suggestions. If you have other ideas, that is great! The goal is to serve our neighbors in a way that will best show Christ’s love to them.

Whether you cook a homemade meal for their family, pay for their dinner, or just have pizza delivered, this is an easy way to serve your neighbor.
Note: If possible, be sensitive to allergy or dietary restrictions.
This time of year there are many things to do to prepare for spring. Clearing debris from their yard, cleaning gutters, mowing grass, or even washing their car. The possibilities are endless if the weather is right!
  • Your next door neighbor
  • Frontier Housing -
Our neighbors don’t just live across the street and we all know of people who are shut in or don’t get many visitors. Widows, people who don’t live near family, or elderly in assisted-living or nursing homes are just a few of our neighbors that would greatly benefit from a visit.
Donating food or clothing to a shelter or food bank, giving toys or household items to a family in need, or even taking a gift to your next door neighbor are all ways we can share what we have to meet the needs of others.